Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposium

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A new era of investing is here, and asset owners need to be prepared.

Forget what you think you know about investing. The forces of disruption are coming, and they'll change the way that asset owners invest their money forever.

How Asset Owners Are Preparing for the New Era of Investing

The investment landscape is constantly evolving, and asset owners are finding themselves in a new era of investing. With changes in technology, regulations, and market dynamics, asset owners need to adapt their strategies to stay ahead. In this blog post, we will explore how asset owners are preparing for this new era of investing.

Embracing Technology

One of the key ways asset owners are preparing for the new era of investing is by embracing technology. Advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation have revolutionized the investment industry. Asset owners are using technology to analyze large amounts of data, identify trends, and make informed investment decisions.

Additionally, asset owners are leveraging technology to improve operational efficiency. They are investing in robust systems and platforms that streamline workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and improve reporting capabilities. By embracing technology, asset owners can gain a competitive advantage and better navigate complex investment environments.

Adopting ESG Investing Practices

Despite certain levels of backlash regionally and as an inevitable result of geopolitical upheavals, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are increasingly becoming a focal point for asset owners. Many investors are recognizing the importance of considering sustainability and ethical considerations when making investment decisions in addition to being forced to do so by increasing regulation & transparency, as well as pressure from retails investors for them to Make My Money Matter, driven by the talented Richard Curtis and his team. Asset owners are now proactively incorporating ESG criteria into their investment strategies as part of their approach to risk mitigation, as well as to create long-term value.

There are many reasons why ESG investing is seen as an essential product to bring out of the bag, not least because it allows asset owners to align their investments with their values and contribute to positive societal and environmental outcomes. It also helps them manage reputational risks and meet the expectations of their stakeholders. By adopting ESG practices, asset owners can position themselves as responsible investors and gain access to a growing pool of ESG-focused opportunities.

However, what some have realised is that they don’t know what their values are, beyond statements at the AGM …..and therein lies some of the problem which transparency may go some way to help. If you can’t see it, you can’t measure it. And If you can’t measure it, how can you accurately value it? Whatever IT is.

Diversifying Investment Strategies

Asset owners are also diversifying their investment strategies to navigate the new era of investing. Traditional asset classes like stocks and bonds are no longer enough to generate optimal returns and manage risks. Asset owners are exploring alternative investment options such as private equity, real estate, infrastructure, and hedge funds.

Diversification across different asset classes allows asset owners to spread risks and capture returns from different sources. It provides them with the opportunity to access new markets, sectors, and investment opportunities. By diversifying their investment strategies, asset owners can enhance portfolio performance and better withstand market volatility.

Collaborating with External Partners

In the new era of investing, asset owners are recognizing the value of collaboration with external partners and are actively seeking brands who feel the same way and can demonstrated that through visibility & thought leadership. They are seeking expertise from investment consultants, asset managers, and other industry professionals to enhance their investment strategies. Collaborating with external partners allows asset owners to access specialized knowledge, market insights, and research capabilities.

Asset owners are also partnering with other like-minded organizations to pool resources and share investment opportunities. Collaborative platforms and networks are emerging, enabling asset owners to co-invest, share due diligence, and exchange best practices. By collaborating with external partners, asset owners can leverage collective intelligence and optimize investment outcomes.


Asset owners are proactively preparing for the new era of investing by embracing technology, adopting ESG practices, diversifying their investment strategies, and collaborating with external partners. These strategies enable them to stay agile, navigate complex market conditions, and capture new investment opportunities. As the investment landscape continues to evolve, asset owners will need to remain innovative and adaptive to thrive in this new era.