Chris Hitchen


Chris Hitchen

In a refreshingly clear statement of intent on it’s website, Border to Coast makes it abundantly clear what it takes to work with them on investments;

Why it matters to us

Responsible Investment • Sustainability at core of our corporate and investment culture • Effective stewardship drives better returns • We will exercise voting on internal and external mandates •

We need from you

Evidence of ESG integration • Active engagement • Quarterly reporting • UK Stewardship Code, UN PRI or international equivalent

What does it mean to Border to Coast?
We take a holistic approach to sustainability and as such it is at the core of our corporate and investment thinking. For us to be a successful, responsible and sustainable company we must engage with and listen to our major stakeholders which includes Partner Funds and Administering Authorities, employees, suppliers, other investors and asset owners, regulators and Government. We invest in our people and our relationships as well as in investment opportunities on behalf of our Partner Funds.

We believe that businesses that are governed well and run in a sustainable way are more resilient, able to survive shocks and have the potential to provide better financial returns for investors. As a long-term investor and representative of asset owners, we will therefore, hold companies and asset managers to account regarding environmental, societal and governance factors that have the potential to impact corporate value. We will incorporate such factors into our investment analysis and decision making, enabling long-term sustainable investment performance for our Partner Funds.


Rebecca Jones


Amanda Latham