Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia

Insights & Releases

We occasionally post information pertaining to responsible investing, be sure to read our archive of posts below.

Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Do better conversations improve ESG ratings?

Former RAO Speakers Philip Vernardis, Senior Vice President and Head of EMEA Stewardship, at Northern Trust Asset Management says “The constructive dialogue with Bayer shows once again that collaborative engagements with portfolio companies lead to positive stewardship outcomes.”

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Rosebank oil field - really?

Why was it approved? Well Equinor and Ithaca have invested $3.8bn (£3.1bn) in the first phase of the Rosebank project and will be able to claim back 91p for every £1 invested, but will ultimately pay a 75% tax rate on the project's profits Join the discussion #RAOEurope23

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler


“Navigating these issues as an Investor is far from simple: Its great to have time to network with others in my shoes and get new perspectives.”

Rebecca Patterson, CIS, Bridgewater Associates

#assetmanagers #Advisors #fundowners #pensionfunds #regulators #Governance #SDGs

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Rishi versus Reputation

In short: the Boys & Girls of the Investment community need to be wearing very big pants, eating their Weetabix & girding their loins to continue the battle of saving humanity & the planet whilst delivering returns. Easy, right? Hear about their master plans at #RAOEurope23 on Oct 25th

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

You ask, we answer

When time & budgets are tight, why make time for events? Questions answered….with an unexpected guarantee!

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Reputational risk and ruin

The DIFFERENCE between his situation and the role of the financial community, is that Brand DIDN’T need insights.

He just needed ethics.

Early Bird ticket offer here for Oct 25th

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

All talk, no teeth

If Biodiversity is so important, why are these recommendations rather than legally binding regulations?

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Don’t mess with the Boss. Mother Nature

In 2020, Apple promised to bring its entire carbon footprint to net zero by 2030 — through innovations in materials, clean energy, low-carbon shipping, and restoring natural ecosystems.

Now Mother Nature needs a status report from Apple’s environmental team. And it better be good.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Mind the gap!

The financial community plays a crucial role in shaping corporate behavior and driving the transition to a net-zero economy.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

The essential nature of mining

Decarbonizing the world’s economy will require an enormous amount of minerals like copper, lithium, nickel and cobalt. Everything from electric vehicles to solar panels to transmission lines will require these raw materials.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Shell's carbon offset dilemma

Shell Plc has walked back its once-ambitious plans to develop millions of carbon offsets projects around the world.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Mining; a route to bridge building?

The minister said that an agreement awarded to a Chinese company for gold extraction in Takhar would bring the Taliban government a 65% share of the earnings over five years.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

How Africa can play a leading role in fighting climate change

As the European Investment Bank’s Climate Survey reveals that climate change is already impacting the lives of a majority of Africans, the bank’s vice president looks at ways in which the continent can play a key role in developing green energy.

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