Charlotte Gardes

Charlotte Gardes
Formerly French Treasury

Charlotte is a former Deputy Head of Unit in the Economic Financing Department of the French Treasury, where she was in charge, from early 2019 on, of sustainable finance and climate risk for financial institutions, as well as the rapporteur for the “Cambourg task force” on extra-financial corporate information.

She started her career in 2017 in the Regulatory and International Affairs Department of the French Securities Markets Authority, where she dealt with international regulatory policy and U.S regulatory developments.

Charlotte is currently pursuing a doctoral thesis in economics on climate risk, following studies at Sciences Po Paris, Paris II-Assas and Paris I-Sorbonne in international economics, financial economics and business law.

She is also currently teaching environmental and development economics at Sciences Po Paris and the Sorbonne, and is a member of several research groups on climate risk and related sustainable finance topics. She will soon join the International Monetary Fund as a Financial Sector Expert on these same issues, within the Monetary and Capital Markets Department.


Elena Manola-Bonthond


David Russell