Takuro Kimura


Takuro Kimura
Founding Board Member of Women of World Endowment (WoWE)

Takuro is a longtime investor and supporter of entrepreneurs in emerging markets and a Founding Board Member of Women of World Endowment (WoWE). WoWE is an evergreen pool of capital to create a fully inclusive and diverse society where women are changemakers critical to solving today’s challenges.

WoWE invests in capital markets in all asset classes, from debt to equity, to generate profits with a gender intersectional investment strategy (FINANCIAL CAPITAL) and reinvests this income to build intellectual capital (STRATEGIC CAPITAL) through a CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE (CoE) strategy.

CoEs are designed to collaborate with key players and institutions to build a broader ecosystem of data, analytics, financial products development, best practices, and impact assessment generation. In this way,

WoWE creates a virtuous cycle of financial and strategic capital that spans the entire investment spectrum and maximizes outcomes. WoWE’s vision and strategy is detailed in “The XX Edge: Unlocking Higher Returns and Lower Risk” a book co-written by Patience Marime-Ball (WoWE’s CEO) and Dr. Ruth Shaber (WoWE’s Board Chairperson).

Takuro spent over 30 years investing with impact in emerging markets for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Orix Corporation. He has been involved in multi-billion dollar investments in private equity, mezzanine, and project finance, in multiple industries globally, including Asia.

In 2019, he founded G-Cubed Partners, Inc, supporting early-stage ventures in frontier countries in Asia and Africa. Throughout his investing career, he has been committed to creating impact, with inclusiveness, diversity, and gender as part of the core criteria in the decision process. He holds an LL.B. from Kyoto University and MBA from Ecole des Haute Etudes Commerciales de Paris (HEC).


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