#RAOEurope24 Videos……
Welcome & Opening Address
Adrienne Lawler - CEO & Founder, Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia
Moderator: SARAH FORSTER, CEO & Co-Founder, The Good Economy Partnership
Panel: MIKE WESTON - Independent Trustee, Pi Partnership, GEORGE GRAHAM - Director, South Yorkshire Pension Authority, DOUG CLARK - Head of Investment Research & Solutions, Brightwell, GILES THOMAS - Head - Guarantees, Homes England
Moderator: JAMIE BRODERICK, Deputy Chair, Impact Investing Institute
Panel: LEANDROS KALISPERAS - Chief Investment Officer, West Yorkshire Pension Fund, TIM DOUBLEDAY - CFO, Burger King UK, DR SALLY UREN OBE - Chief Executive, Forum for the Future, PETER BACHMANN - Managing Director, Gresham House
Moderator: WILL MARTINDALE, Co-founder and Managing Director, Canbury Insights
Panel: CAROLINE ESCOTT - Senior Investment Manager, Railpen, CATHERINE HOWARTH - Chief Executive, ShareAction, LEANNE CLEMENTS - Head of Responsible Investment, The People’s Partnership, JIM FOLEY - Director, Trustee Decisions Ltd
SARAH GORDON: Visiting Professor In Practice, Grantham Research Institute, Climate Change & the Environment
HAYDEN MORGAN: Partner and Head of Sustainability Advisory, Pinsent Masons
DAN GRANDAGE: Head of Sustainable Investing, abrdn
MODERATOR: DR RORY SULLIVAN, CEO, Chronos Sustainability
PANEL: DAVID RUSSELL - Chair of the Board, Transition Pathway Initiative, MARK HILL - Climate & Sustainability Lead, The Pensions Regulator, NAOMI CLARK - Head of Investment Product Management, USS Investment Management Limited, SONJA LAUD - Chief Investment Officer, Legal & General Investment Management
Moderator: DR ROGER MILES, Academy Founder, Behaviour at Risk
Panel: JEREMY DE PESSEMIER - Asset Allocation Strategist, World Gold Council, SONJA LAUD - Chief Investment Officer, Legal & General Investment Management, GAIL LE COZ - Deputy Chairman, Audit and Risk Management Committee, City of London Corporation, THOMAS SHEEDY - Global Head of Fixed Income Risk, Invesco
OLIVER CROWLEY, Investment Funds Partner, Pinsent Masons ADRIENNE LAWLER, CEO & Founder Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia
"Thoroughly enjoyed #RAOEurope24 and participating in the STWRD Round Table."
Frances Deakin
Head of Responsible Investment
Local Pensions Partnership Investments Ltd -
"#RAOEurope 24.Thank you Adrienne Lawler for organising this fantastic event and bringing the investment community together to discuss and exchange ideas. Insightful keynote by Sarah Gordon at the Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposium."
Isabell Moessler
Executive Leader and Advisory Board -
"Today at the #RAOEurope24, I heard from regulators, asset owners, asset managers, and a variety of impact oriented nonprofit and advisory firms. The topics were timely and ensured the dialogue across stakeholders remains fluid. Collaboration between the financial markets, government, and regulators is key to achieving meaningful impact."
Lidia Trieber
Consultant -
"Congratulations on putting together such an outstanding event. We found the panel discussion and networking session incredibly insightful and valuable for gaining new perspectives and building connections. Thank you for all your hard work!"
Julia Veglesi
VP of Strategy & Partnerships