Dr Roger Miles

Roger Miles
Academy Founder

Risk Perception, Regulatory Design, Public Trust and Governance

Dr. Roger Miles researches behaviour-at-risk and advises on the regulation, measurement and reporting of conduct, culture and reputation risk.  He is co-founder and Head of Faculty at UK Finance’s Academy for leaders in conduct management, working internationally to address human-factor risks through sector professional bodies and direct in-house interventions in financial services firms.

In Riding The Dragon, a new critique of lawyers’ engagement with ESG, he has called on the legal profession to address the culture gap between “aspirational” ethical claims and “what actually happens” – for many practitioners, a continuing reality of questionable loyalties shrouded by gagging orders.

Publishers of his professional conduct analyses include the Law Society, the Financial Reporting Council and the Financial Markets Standards Board. He is a contributing editor at Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence; for LSE’s annual Behavioral Economics Guides; and for the Sustainability Unlocked educational portal. His popular handbooks, Conduct Risk Management: A Behavioural Approach and Culture Audit in Financial Services have been warmly endorsed by senior regulators and business leaders worldwide. Besides Riding The Dragon, his 2022 co-author credits include sections of Climate Change Enterprise Risk for the Institute of Risk Management

The book that everyone interested in better outcomes is talking about.


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