Plan for the future you want to see

Call it coincidence but we have discovered that in the immediate few weeks after one of our RAO events, announcements are often made by key speakers or their organisations about a shift in focus or timeline on their investment within the broad remit of responsible investing. Perhaps stretching the association a tad too much but….on June 2nd we had Dr David Kelly, Global Strategist for JP Morgan talking about economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic which placed sustainability at the heart of their strategy across the globe and today we have news that JPMAM has unveiled its first thematic fund as part of triple sustainable launch.

A forward-looking approach for a changing world
Sustainable investing is a forward-looking approach that aims to deliver long-term sustainable financial return in a fast-changing world. 
We believe environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors will increasingly affect the ability of companies to operate and generate returns, today and over the long term. ESG factors also represent opportunities that investors can capture as companies innovate to build a sustainable future.


ESG investing in China: Overcoming the ESG data challenge

Explore our insights on China's ESG reporting. Discover its limitations and improving trends to strengthen your investment decision process.

Sustainable solutions built on our active heritage

At J.P. Morgan Asset Management, our approach to sustainable investing builds on our long heritage of active management and stewardship, and the expertise of our 200+ analysts, who incorporate ESG factors in their research. We offer a broad range of dedicated sustainable solutions designed to align with the financial goals and values of our clients.

ESG integration

We incorporate ESG factors in our active investment processes, where material and relevant.

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Investment stewardship

Regular contact with the companies in which we invest is at the heart of our investment processes.

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Sustainable investing capabilities

Our sustainable investing capabilities across asset classes are designed to align with our clients’ goals and values.

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Climate change

Position your portfolio to manage climate risks, capture opportunities and contribute to solutions.


We are committed to creating a sustainable future for our clients, our employees and our community by promoting sustainable business practices and driving action on climate change.

We have been signatories to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2007 and to Climate Action 100+ since 2020. 

Principles for Responsible Investment

We are rated A+ in the 2020 United Nations PRI Assessment; as of July 2020. We report annually and are audited.

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Article Tags: Environmental Social And Governance


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