President Biden's climate betrayal

 In 2020, US presidential candidate Joe Biden made a promise to the American public:

”No more drilling on federal lands, period. Period, period, period.”

 On Monday this week, President Biden approved an enormous oil drilling project on federal land in Alaska. The project is expected to produce up to 180,000 barrels of oil per day for the next three decades – thereby releasing up to 200,000 metric tons of CO2 daily!

This is  bad news for everyone concerned about our planet. Among Big Oil Executives, though, optimism is returning. At the recent US energy event CERAweek, heads of companies like Chevron, ExxonMobil and the lobby group the American Petroleum Institute gathered to talk about the brightened outlook for fossil energy. As one executive put it: ”Our strategy is to stay as oily as we can for as long as we can.” 

But there is good news as well. The European Union has this week promised to push for a global phase-out of fossil fuels during the UN Climate Conference COP28 in December.  

We (We Don’t Have Time)will be there, to broadcast the developments day by day.


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