Trends and actionable insights to maximise content ROI

Savvy Investor is uniquely positioned to commentate on content trends within the institutional investor community. We have a live survey sample of over 60,000 members who, between them, download around 21,000 articles and white papers every month.

In the last twelve months, more than 10,000 white papers, market commentaries, and articles have been uploaded to the Savvy Investor platform, including content from most of the leading asset management companies and consultants.

Savvy Investor's new and improved Investment Content Trends Report provides unique insights and market intelligence viewpoints, derived from our own data and observations. Designed to help investment marketers better understand content and audience trends and assist them in developing their content strategy.

Key Takeaways Q1 2023:

  • 48% of uploads were Market Outlooks. This is typical given the time of year. Between November – January we always see a large number of annual updates released by asset managers and service providers. In such a crowded space, how well were you able to differentiate your firm?

  • Total uploads were down 16% from the previous quarter. This is likely due to asset managers typically producing more campaigns and a higher volume of content during Q4, relative to the other quarters.

  • Only 13% of all views were captured by content covering Alternative Asset Classes. Both Hedge Funds and Private Credit are areas which have grown in interest but content on these topics remains low.

  • Asset Allocation and Portfolio Construction represents another area of opportunity for communications and marketing professionals to meet investors’ informational needs.



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