When ‘try’ isn’t enough

Those of you who know me personally will know I am passionate about all things Responsible Asset Owners and the glorious game of Rugby.

This weekend was a feast for fans of this spectacle and as I sat glued to my sofa watching the world’s No.1 team (Ireland - my home nation ) crash out to New Zealand, England clawed victory from the massively smaller nation of Fiji who battled bravely but lost and then finally, having migrated to my bedroom, I gave up on the idea of an early night as South Africa fought France over every blade of grass to snatch the win.

Even in the dying moments, when France absolutely refused to hand over the blessed oval shaped ball, when players on both sides looked like Rocky at the end of the fight, and everything seemed to move in slow motion, both sides kept going. It was exhausting to watch, let alone play.

Earlier in the day, Ireland - No.1 in the World - led by the remarkable Johnny Sexton, very nearly did it. They nearly beat the mighty All Blacks who have won the World Cup 3 times since 1987 whilst Ireland never have won it, despite their ranking and undoubtedly skilled players.

The scoreline at the final whistle was 24 - 28 to New Zealand and those 4 points arguably came down to two missed opportunities to convert hard won tries by their Captain, the aforementioned Johnny Sexton for whom this was his final game. It just wasn’t the ending any of us wanted for him.

There were many other things that happened on the pitch which definitely impacted on the scoreline but in very simplistic terms, they simply didn’t deliver the extra points required when made available to them.

For non rugby aficionados, let me explain why small margins matter: when a Try is scored, the team wins 5 points with the opportunity to add another 2 points to it by kicking it over the bar. Johnny Sexton, one of the finest kickers the game has ever seen, saw two of his brilliant kicks bounce off the goalposts. 4 points unclaimed. The difference in the final scoreline? 4 points.

None of this can take the shine off this man’s leadership and intent throughout his illustrious career, but it does go to prove my point. Trying is not enough.

When returns’s are down, no-one is that interested in how hard the asset management ‘tried’ to deliver them, they just get judged on the financial scoreline delivered.

So where does responsible investing fit into this parable I hear you ask?

Simple, the prize can be won or lost by small margins. That’s not depressing, or even news. It’s just a way or reminding us all to remain focussed, to fight for every blade of grass, to keep the end in sight and to keep pushing, even when the opposition is mighty and the challenge seems impossible.

No. 1’s can lose their crown but that creates a vacancy for someone else to take it.

In the case of responsible investing, the opportunity to share in the win is there for all. Through Innovation, Collaboration and Leadership - all of which will be on display on October 25th at RAOEurope23. We can all squeeze just a little more out of what we call ‘returns’ to deliver an even bigger win for planet earth and Investors when we work as a team, with a common goal in mind and ego’s left in the dressing room.

What is the team talk on strategy you’ll hear from conversations taking place at this year’s conference of Responsible Asset Owners across Europe at #RAOEurope23? Oct 25th? Just a few…

2 Compelling Keynotes:

 @Dr Roger Miles Behaviour is key

Andrew Howard from our hosts, Schroders, on Sustainability Opportunities and Threats and the legal implications.


5 Information-Packed Panels:


Who are the rampaging All Blacks that are leading the charge to pull in new money from Investors, as well as

protecting and growing existing client portfolios? 

Rising deal competition is starting to feel like a tightly contested ruck but where is the ball going to pop out?



What do these new regulations add to the competitiveness of the City of London? 

Or are they just tinkering around the edges?



Are transparency and regulation the equivalent of haphazard throw in or more of a scrum? 

Or will data be the determining factor in separating leaders from followers?



5 new rules that will further impact margins, requiring greater oversight and accountability throughout the customer journey.



What exactly is the business and reputational case for acting swiftly versus the cost of inactivity on valuations?


Ready to access these latest and most relevant insights in just one day while networking with fellow industry leaders? Great, then join us on the 25th Oct

#assetmanagers #fundowners #responsibleinvesting #ethicalinvesting #ROIs #RAOEurope23

Get Tickets here


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