Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia
Insights & Releases
We occasionally post information pertaining to responsible investing, be sure to read our archive of posts below.
Publish or be damned!
Unmasked, Rishi Sunak says “I know when people hear about global finance it can seem remote and abstract, but we’re not simply talking about numbers on a page,
Today’s Top of the COP: Finance Goes Green and Resilient
These GFANZ commitments can deliver the estimated $100 trillion of finance needed for net zero over the next three decades.
AXA extends its Oil and Gas exclusions to support the energy transition
AXA will stop investing in and underwriting new upstream oil greenfield exploration projects unless they are carried out by companies with the most far-reaching and credible transition plans.
Cometh the hour....
After Chancellor Rishi Sunak opened his red Budget box to reveal new funding for electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing and low-carbon shipping, there has been a mixed reaction
Straight from COP26
Straight talking from Nigel Topping, High Level Champion for Climate Action at COP26.
Big girl pants and a superhero cape
Re-working the financial plumbing – Banks may need to rotate 20 – 30% of their portfolios in a moderate acceleration scenario
One minute to midnight warns Boris Johnson
In a remarkably insightful and honest moment, “The countries most responsible for historic[al] and present day emissions are not yet doing their fair share of the work,” Johnson said.
Institutional investors believe ESG factors are more important than financial metrics when evaluating a company’s long-term attractiveness
Saker Nusseibeh, CEO of the international business of Federated Hermes, commented:
“As we approach COP26, the need for the investment management industry to play its part in efforts to tackle climate change globally has never been more urgent.
Is the Value Rally in Emerging Markets Sustainable? - asks T Rowe Price
Investment Must Rise to Reach Net Carbon Targets
The Recent Performance of ESG Investing, the Covid-19 Catalyst and the Biden Effect
Awareness concerning environmental, social and governance challenges has steadily increased, augmenting the profitability focal point, at the heart of financial markets.
ESG and Women – product design matters
The way in which a company treats its female employees can often be indicative of the presence of other potentially damaging systemic cultural issues.
Mobilising institutional capital to help build back better
The UK is a country of entrenched place-based inequalities which have persisted for A PLACE-BASED APPROACH TO IMPACT INVESTING generations and are more extreme in the UK than most OECD countries.
Climate transition plans will become mandatory in the UK
Only “certain firms” will be required to publish climate transition plans that align with the government’s net zero commitment or explain why they have not done so. Anyone any idea who or why not others? Answers on a postcard please
Thought leadership from Fund Owners & Asset Managers Europe 2021
See the fund owners, asset managers and regulators who are at the heart of the challenge to reach net zero and hear them talk about the challenges and opportunities ahead.
The UK Gov getting serious about Green Finance
Chancellor Rishi Sunak says ‘greening the financial system is an integral part of my plans for the future of the UK’s financial services.’
Young people are under represented in politics
Adults aged 18 to 29 are underrepresented in both houses of parliament. A group that makes up 15% of the UK population thereby makes up only 3 percent of MPs, and no lords.
Harnessing international financial architecture - Steve Waygood
The international community still lacks a strategy to finance the Paris Agreement. To deliver that strategy we will need enhanced international co-operation between public and private financial institutions. Mark Versey, Aviva Investors
The investment case for net zero buildings
We see an early mover advantage to positioning portfolios to capture this performance and futureproof assets for a changing world
No rain on the plain
Brazil’s success as an exporter of soy (#2 behind the USA) and maize (#3 behind USA and Argentina) depends upon its ability to double-crop - using the same farmland twice in one year but Deforestation is changing Brazil’s climate, making it dryer, hotter, and less predictable
Invesco Global Sovereign Asset Management Study
Liquidity in focus as Covid-19 leads sovereigns to face drawdowns and double cash reserves