Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia
Insights & Releases
We occasionally post information pertaining to responsible investing, be sure to read our archive of posts below.
Finance, Sport, Newsletter, Packaging & Community
ActionFunder helps businesses do good, locally.
When it comes to community building, it’s important to think local. If you want to have a positive societal impact as a business, the place you live or work can be a great place to start.
Infrastructure Monitor 2022 Global trends in private investment in infrastructure
This year’s report looks at private investment in infrastructure projects, infrastructure investment performance, availability of private capital for infrastructure, and the role of multilateral development banks in private investment in infrastructure.
UK regulators consider the impacts of big tech expansion into financial services
The Financial Conduct Authority is looking into the impact of Big Tech. Although only early days, this could be a significant piece of work for the Big Techs, those who rely on their services, their customers and their commercial rivals.
COP27 - the Proposed proposal. Seriously.
Importance of international cooperation in climate action
Riding the Dragon
In an explosive new report, Paul Q. Watchman, Paul Clements-Hunt and Michael Marais set out their case that “Today’s pre-eminent law firms continue to make reference to initiatives and recognition that — upon closer inspection — appear largely non- substantiated. Most others also lack an explicit ESG stance or approach.”
Economy of Love (EoL) is an ethical, sustainable and transparent certification standard that supports biodynamic farmers and brings a positive environmental impact by sequestering carbon and enhancing farms’ biodiversity.
Aviva, Carbon, Mummies, Brewdog & Underwear
A weekly helping of five interesting ideas, stories, recommendations and thought pieces to take you into the weekend from RAOGlobal speaker Giles Gibbons, Founder and CEO, Good Business
What’s in a name: The ESG edition
Most funds looked good on a variety of metrics (in other words, there was no glaring evidence of greenwashing).
Look whose talking and about what……Nov 22nd
Biodiversity, ACT & ICEV frameworks, Future Challenges, Leadership, Transparency & holding investments to account and ESG; an uncertain path to Net Zero A FEW REMAINING TICKETS HERE!
Future generations report 2022
Jack Cracknell Impact and Sustainability
Global alliance of banks calls out ‘greenwashing’
The Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) is a network of independent banks using finance to deliver sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
Real World Climate Scenarios (RWCS) Roundtable
Notes from the roundtable meeting on 4 May 2022 and some thoughts for the future.
Investment Banker Salary and Bonus Report: 2022 Update
Midway through 2021, banks increased base salaries for Analysts from $85K – $95K to $100K – $110K. And then, in January 2022, many banks increased Analyst base salaries again so that 1st Years earn $110K and 2nd Years earn $125K. Read on for a full update…..
Risk & Reward - Research and investment strategies. Invesco
Stabilizing equity portfolios through dynamic volatility management
U-turn, Ads, Credits, Bonds, & Goods
A weekly helping of five interesting ideas, stories, recommendations and thought pieces to take you into the weekend from Giles Gibbons
ESG: an uncertain path to Net Zero?
The World Bank has suggested global recovery can be facilitated by cutting the high costs of #migration and de-risking it through flexible visa policies; Have your say at Responsible Asset Owners #Europe2022 On Nov 22nd ?
Financial Planning Salary Guid 2022
Are you confident enough that you’re being remunerated fairly, based on your location? Are you a firm looking to develop your talent strategy over 2022? This finance salary guide will give you the benchmark you need.
Biodiversity; the biggest factor in climate change?
Biodiversity is at the heart of the commitment to reduce emissions by 1.5 - but where is it in the minds and strategies of the Investment Community?
The Energy Solution?
Henry Tapper @AgeWage, Charlottes Gardes @IMF, Elena Manola Bonthund @CERN Professor Paul Watchman Giles Gibbons @GoodBusiness discuss
The Science of Value Investing
Investors are under pressure to find returns but would be wise not to forgo fundamental analysis of key factors such as earnings, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.