Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia

Insights & Releases

We occasionally post information pertaining to responsible investing, be sure to read our archive of posts below.

Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Has Something Finally Broken?

Silicon Valley Bank was scored highly by most of the major ESG data providers and unofficially known as the “climate” bank by founders due to its involvement in financing renewable energy projects and climate technology start-ups. Gulp!

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

ESG, Beer, Democracy, Inclusivity, Flowers

Miller Lite is aware of their its contributions to sexist advertising and in a bid to make amends, they have launched the Bad $#!T to Good $#!T campaign, collecting old copies of sexist advertisements and turning them into fertiliser to help grow hops for women brewers.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Newton’s 2nd Law

Today, the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds (IFSWF) and the One Planet Sovereign Wealth Fund Network (OPSWF) are publishing their third annual survey exploring how sovereign wealth funds view and are addressing climate change.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

I got the eye of the tiger…

You can use the acronym of T-I-G-E-R to illustrate the growth factors of the region says James Cheo, Chief Investment Officer, Southeast Asia, HSBC Global Private Banking and Wealth

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler


More importantly many firms – particularly in the US – are promoting more women into major roles says EY as it publishes the 10th edition of this important report, noting key shifts.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

The End of an Era - Have We Entered a Great Transition?

Much changed as bonds and traditional currency hedges failed as diversifiers of equity risk. Are we on the cusp of a “Great Transition” or are we likely to revert to the kind of markets seen prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic?

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

From why to why not? A report by McKinsey

More institutional investors recognize environmental, social, and governance factors as drivers of value. The key to investing effectively is to integrate these factors across the investment process.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Fear of Population Ageing

The ageing of populations poses mounting challenges for governments that will require changes in national policy priorities, country institutions and social arrangements.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Cleantech for UK

Bill Gates said: “The UK has all the ingredients to become a major player in the global push to build a net-zero emissions future, including world-class research facilities and forward-looking investors. It’s great to see cleantech businesses, innovators, and policy makers coming together to advance UK climate leadership.”

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