Responsible Asset Owners Global Symposia

Insights & Releases

We occasionally post information pertaining to responsible investing, be sure to read our archive of posts below.

Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Tobacco, Insurance, TfL, Films & Cargo Bikes

I’m old enough to remember the song “Smoke get’s in your eyes” Yes, that was a real song title children. It also gets everywhere else and while vaping may have some advantages, it’s not 100% harmless.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler


The Wei Forward Report II draws together industry and academic insight from financial experts to provide recommendations as to encourage capital allocation to impact investing. Calling for a radical rethink of the impactful investing policy framework, the Wei Forward Report II aims to accelerate the commercialisation of innovative science and technology-based solutions to meet environmental and social challenges.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Ready for Resilience

The enormous importance of Sovereign Wealth Funds may not be forefront of the average persons mind, but given their powerful impact on markets, pensions and returns as a whole, perhaps they should be?

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Accounting, Conferences, Data, Food Waste & Global Citizen

It’s clear that in-person, virtual, and hybrid conferences all have pros and cons. In the end though, the point of such events is to share insights that get used – and for this to succeed, there really is no substitute for being in a room together.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2023

“This years report shows that Governments are prioritising direct carbon pricing policies to reduce emissions even in difficult economic times” says the World Bank

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Implementing the Santiago Principles

The Principles were intended to allay the concerns of recipient countries that sovereign investors were motivated by other than financial interests.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

B-Corp, Football, Eco-mobility, Systems & Vogue

In this week's edition of Friday 5, Giles Gibbons giving the Good Business take on B Corp UK's revised criteria, sustainability in The Premier League, British Vogue's attempt to make #inclusivity a fashion must-have, and much more

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

God v Shell v Astronaut Ron Garan

The church pension board plans to vote against Shell’s proposed green energy strategy and will instead back Follow This’ alternative proposals.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Big pants required

OECD says: Shifting only 3.7% of their assets towards sustainable activities in developing countries would be sufficient to fill the USD 3.7 trillion gap

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Pay, hiring, sand, ports & travel

In this week's edition of Friday 5, Giles Gibbons gives the Good Business take on fair pay, The Body Shop's 'open hiring' policy, Condé Nast Traveller 's A-Z of sustainable travel, and much more.

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

ESG - its opportunities & detractors

Join Paul O’Brien, of Wyoming Retirement Fund in discussion with Katharine Preston of OMERS to tease apart the challenges versus opportunities of ESG investing on June 28

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

RAOGlobal - the Americas 2023 - why?

A critical gathering of LP’s, GP’s, Advisors and Market Makers focussed on Collaboration, Innovation & Leadership is back!. Def a don’t miss event

Live from New York - June 28th 2023

Allen & Overy, 1221 6th Ave

Tickets here

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Adrienne Lawler Adrienne Lawler

Let's go all-in on selling sustainability

Steve Howard leads the sustainability effort at Ikea, helping IKEA the low-price-furniture giant to bring sustainable products to millions of people whilst also being Vice Chair Sustainability at Temasek

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