Energy transition from Oil & Gas to greener fuels
Panel Session - Energy transition from Oil & Gas to greener fuels; what level of scrutiny, regulation & transparency is required?

How Asset Owners can contribute to the Green energy transition?
Knut Kjaer - Founding CEO Norges Bank Investment Management, Adrienne Lawler - Broadcaster, BBC, Sky & CNN

Minister Grace Fu: The Challenges and Opportunities in Delivering a Green Investment
With Adrienne Lawler - Broadcaster, BBC, Sky & CNN.

Opportunities & challenges in the Green Bond Market
Andrew Wilde - Global Chair of Financial Services Edelman, Bob Parker - Chairman ICMA Asset Management & Investors Council, Jean-Marie Masse - Managing Director Blue Like An Orange, Victoria Barbary - Director of Strategy & Communications IFSWF

How much $£ will it take to turn China Green?
Sau Kwan - President E Fund Management Company, Iris Pan - Chief Economist Greater China ING Wholesale, Dr Guan Seng Khoo - Vice-Chair EU ASEAN Centre at Singapore Economic Forum (SEF)

Green or Greenwashing
Anyone can talk the talk, but who are the people walking it and how traceable are their footprints across the route?