Europe 2024 - TRANSITION:The Net-Zero Balancing Act
MODERATOR: DR RORY SULLIVAN, CEO, Chronos Sustainability
PANEL: DAVID RUSSELL - Chair of the Board, Transition Pathway Initiative, MARK HILL - Climate & Sustainability Lead, The Pensions Regulator, NAOMI CLARK - Head of Investment Product Management, USS Investment Management Limited, SONJA LAUD - Chief Investment Officer, Legal & General Investment Management
Europe 2023 - Sustainability investing a route to Net Zero
Are transparency & regulation the only routes to removing greenwashing or will data be the determining factor in separating leaders v followers?
ESG : An uncertain path to Net Zero?
ESG: An uncertain path to Net Zero with a war in Europe?
Sleeping with the enemy: Is leverage or engagement the best & quickest route to Net Zero
Panel Session - Moderator: Kevin Mahn - President & CIO, Hennion & Walsh