Europe 2023 - Panel Session - Consumer Duty
Will new rules further impact margins, requiring greater oversight and accountability at all contact points throughout the customer journey?

Europe 2023 - Sustainable Investing Panel Session
Are transparency & regulation the only routes to removing greenwashing or will data be the determining factor in separating leaders v followers?

Europe 2023 - Regulatory change and the Edinburgh Reforms
What do these new regulations add to the competitiveness of the City of London or are they just tinkering around the edges?

Europe 2023 - Biodiversity Panel Session
Biodiversity: The business & reputational case for acting swiftly versus the cost of inactivity to valuations?

Which post COVID market dynamics might help guide investor focus in the coming decades
Panel Session - Moderator: Lane Jost - Head of ESG Advisory, US Smithfield Edelman

Sleeping with the enemy: Is leverage or engagement the best & quickest route to Net Zero
Panel Session - Moderator: Kevin Mahn - President & CIO, Hennion & Walsh

Energy transition from Oil & Gas to greener fuels
Panel Session - Energy transition from Oil & Gas to greener fuels; what level of scrutiny, regulation & transparency is required?

Accountability, transparency & accessibility; the challenges & the benefits
Matthew Chan, Managing Director, Public Policy & Sustainable Finance ASIFMA - Lya Rahman, Advisor Institutional Investors Council Malaysia - Seiji Kawazoe, Senior Stewardship Officer Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management - Ick Jin, Director of Economic Analysis Coordination Division The National Assembly Budget Office Seoul

Massive global infrastructure opportunity through shared values
Wai Leong - Senior Director, Head of Public Affairs Klareco Communications, Kristian Fok - CIO Cbus Super Fund, Esther An - Chief Sustainability Officer City Developments Limited, Hardik Shah - ESG Practice Lead GMO

How much $£ will it take to turn China Green?
Sau Kwan - President E Fund Management Company, Iris Pan - Chief Economist Greater China ING Wholesale, Dr Guan Seng Khoo - Vice-Chair EU ASEAN Centre at Singapore Economic Forum (SEF)

Strength through collaboration & consistency in outcomes
Tamara Singh -Senior Advisor OMFIF, Michael Kelly - Chief Legal & Corporate Affairs Officer OMERS, Kristy Graham - Executive Officer ASFI, Eric Lim, Chief Sustainability Officer & Managing Director UOB

Leadership & Culture
Panel Session with Chris Ailman - CalSTRS, Michelle Ostermann - RMPI Railpen Canada, Elizabeth Burton - Hawaii Employees’ Retirement System

Collaboration to improve investor understanding
Panel Session with Richard Lacaille -SSGA, Nic Firzli -World Pensions Council, Diego Lopez - Global SWF

The role of global standard setters and index publishers in adopting common standards
Panel Session with Mattheiu Verougastraete - United Nations, Eila Kreivi - European Investment Bank, Laura Frigenti - KPMG

CalPERS: Regulation or persuasion
Panel Session with Nina Chen - NY State Dept Financial Services, Anne Simpson - CalPERS