Mark Campanale


Mark Campanale
Founder & Executive Chair

Mark is the founder of the Carbon Tracker Initiative and conceived the ‘unburnable carbon’ thesis. Prior to forming Carbon Tracker, Mark had twenty years experience in sustainable financial markets.

Mark is a co-founder of some of the first responsible investment fund at Jupiter Asset Management, NPI, AMP Capital, and Henderson Global Investors. Mark served on the World Business Council for Sustainable Development working group on capital markets leading up to the 1992 Earth Summit; was a Member of the Steering Committee of UNEP Financial Sector Initiative (1999-2003) and continues to advise a number of investment funds.

Mark was a founder director of the UK Sustainable and Responsible Investment Forum (UKSIF), 1990-2006, is a member of the Advisory Council of SASB (Sustainable Accounting Standards Board) and and the UNEP-WRI working group on greenhouse gas emissions and the financial sector.



Laurie Spengler


Elena Manola-Bonthond