Tom Brown


Head of Heritage Portfolio Management
Phoenix Group

Tom is Head of Heritage Portfolio Management and a member of Phoenix Asset Management. He is responsible for the assets in Phoenix’s closed books backing £150bn of Unit Linked and With-Profits business.  Tom and his team are  involved strategy, rationalisation and portfolio steering activities.

Tom has worked in the Financial Services  for 16 years originally with Citigroup focusing on sub-prime lending and securitisation before moving into Life Insurance and Pensions in 2007 when he joined the Prudential as a member of the Prudential Portfolio Management Group (PMG). Whilst with the PMG Tom defined the Pru’s approach to fund consolidation and then co-led a fund rationalisation programme. In 2015 Tom joined SwissRe to support AdminRe/ReAssure in policyholder asset management, focusing on consolidation activities and new acquisitions.


Chris Perceval


Sarah Forster